My Mission

My mission is to support people in having loving relationships. Wherever that is not possible, then I help the client love themself.

There are many junctures in a relationship on the road to sheer comfort and ease. The birth of the first child, and sometimes the additional children are turning points in a relationship. One of the biggest junctures is when children leave home and a couple has not created anything to fill in that empty space.

For many years I helped people achieve peace after their relationship ended. 

While I still do that, and it is important work, my focus has shifted to enhancing and enriching relationships before it has a chance to wane.   

There are many junctures in a relationship on the road to sheer comfort and ease. The birth of the first child, and sometimes the additional children are turning points in a relationship. One of the biggest junctures is when children leave home and a couple has not created anything to fill in that empty space.

Raising children is a huge joint project that deepens a connection. When children grow up and leave home, there can be a letdown that affects both people. Planning is required for smooth transitions. That needs to be prepared for years in advance.  Both strengthening your individual needs and desires, and reinforcing your partnership, are necessary. These parts of partnership are too often overlooked. What keeps you together during earlier times is not what holds you together at subsequent phases of your relationship.    

Sometimes, as a couple, you are so busy raising children that you are not raising your relationship in any way. Then each of you wonders who the other really is without the parenting role.

Preparing for a smooth transition requires time and attention. Start now finding parts of yourself that you want to develop. To shift into a satisfying self-support, you need tools. If you have spent years neglecting yourself, you might consider hiring a Relationship Coach to support you in developing and maintaining a new emotional muscle. Like a physical muscle, an emotional muscle allows you dual benefits. You will not only be preparing for the future; you will be enjoying the present more fully. If this sounds good to you, call me for a complimentary 20-minute session to determine if my services are right for you. Thank you for your interest.

  • What clarity might you need around what is happening in your life?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?
  • Are you facing enormous stress?
  • What feels incomplete?
  • Have your children left home and now you don’t know how to fill the void?
  • Are you so busy that you are feeling isolated from others and cheated in life?
  • Do you seek emotional closure?

What strategies do you have to discover who your spouse is now that children are grown and you have more time for yourselves?

What is needed to prepare you to create what is ahead for you?

“Marifran has a powerful and huge heart.” – Cheryl Maegly

“In leading classes, Marifran Korb has always been informative, interesting and supportive. She aided me in gaining new perspectives on the subjects she covered. Marifran also coached ne on many occasions when I felt stuck, and unable to gather any courage of enthusiasm. Whenever needed, she has enough insight and enthusiasm for both of us. Always finding the upside and the lessons in areas that many find hopeless, Marifran has never ceased to amaze me by how positive she is. She has always been able to help me find the light at the end of the tunnel. Along with her sincerity and warmth, her skills have often been a boon to me. Because of her qualities and skills, I recommend her to others who need someone to help them find new ways to approach sticky situations. In short, Marifran Korb has been a positive and helpful and life changing force for me. My life is better for having her in it.” ~ Jane Bath

” On life’s journey, one can often find themselves at a juncture where one feels lost or perhaps at the threshold of a major change and feeling overwhelmed. At those times it is good to have someone who not only can understand what is happening, but also has compassion, insight, and intuition to assist one in finding their way. Marifran, you are that person. In addition, you have that way about you that makes a person feel significantly better about themselves! Thank you for being there!” ~ Ednita Murdock

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